Friday, December 26, 2008
Christmas with the Normans
Lots has happened between then and now.. (I know, I'm hysterical), unfortunately way to much for me to get across in a blog update, but lets hit the basics...
Kingsfield has been great, were closing out the year strong and really excited to see what the Lord will do with 09. I always love new years. I know that nothing really changes, but still I get really charged to start thinking about what's ahead. Christmas Eve service was alot of with a great crowd out to enjoy some time together as one big family. We used the tension between Christmas almost 2000 years ago and a typical Christmas today to launch us in to our study of Isaiah 9. The Drama team helped paint the picture and did a great job, it was perfect. We'll have the service on line soon for those of you who were out of town.
The Family is doing great as well. Christmas was spent running around between families. We're grateful enough to actually enjoy spending time with our families. We're also very grateful that both sides actually only live a few miles from each other in Redlands. Today we reconstructed the house that was torn into pieces. Well really Tatum did that as I went to work assembling a bike, electric scooter, big wheel, and a mansion doll house, bigger than both my girls. Our new kitten Bella thinks it's for her.
Yes, I said kitten... I have never really thought of myself as much of a cat guy. Until my daugher started asking for one and then I happened to run across the "bengal cat". The bengal cat is supposedly more like a dog than a cat. They actually are very much about the fam, like water, hang their heads out the window while driving, can fetch, and learn tricks. Not to mention the fact that they actually look like a leopard. The one we got is 4 generations removed from the Asian Leopard and has a super cool print. Totaly safe so no worries... we did our homework first.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Baby Steven...

On Sunday Kingsfield prayed for him as he will be going back to Hattie this week. The prayer is that Steven will be able to be brought back to the U.S. through an adoption agency early this next year.
I really respect the Worrells for opening up their lives to this child. Their selfless investment has radically impacted not only Steven life but their own as well.
I love watching what how God works when were willing to step outside our comfort zone.
I've got a short video that J&S Productions (Jono and Simono) put toether... so check back later and I'll get it uploaded for you.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
So it's been on my mind
Several things hit me as I watched these students rallying together... I'll share one for now and maybe share some later.
One was the desperate need every generation has for a true cause. My heart really went out to them. So many are searching for something to stand for. They long for something bigger than themselves to unite them and give them purpose. I wonder if those students were really motivated by cause itself, or by the fulfillment that having "a cause" brings.
I wonder what would happen if the church was to embrace it's cause with the same "force" that these students have embraced theirs. Not that we would hold protests and picket parties, rather that we unite with a boldness in the proclamation of the Gospel.
It's my prayer that the church, with wisdom, would be careful not to "tear down bridges" with unchristlike behavior. Also that we would not simply "build bridges" for the sake of "unconditional love". Rather that we would keep the bridges we do have, build the bridges we don't have and then drive the truth of the gospel across. That we would care enough to boldly call sin, sin. Then we would boldly point sinners to the sinners savior, Jesus Christ.
That is Gods cause and it must be ours as well... Jesus said of Himself in Luk 19:10 "For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost." Paul wrote in 1Ti 1:15 "Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners-of whom I am the worst." The sin factor goes for every one of us. Rom 3:23 tells us "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God". But thanks the Lord that there is hope for even the worst of sinners. Rom 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord".
Friday, November 7, 2008
so we want change?

We were each created to thrive within a relationship with God. Outside that relationship we will never thrive or find rest. Jesus alone is the only one who could promise to provide for us the rest we are craving. Jesus said in Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. "
It's my pray that America would find what she is really crying out for. It's my prayer also that the church would be bold enough to proclaim the gospel and point the way.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The Resurrection
On Sunday there was a huge response and we say many first time commitments to the Lord.
Thank you Lord
Saturday, November 1, 2008
BLAST was a Blast
As 6:30 approached people began showing up and packed the place out. Music from the blues band filled the air as the smell of popcorn and BBQ completed the already very
We had more people show up this year then ever before with well over 1000 participating over the course of the evening. I personally met many families from all over Orange County that were experiencing their first introduction to Kingsfield Church. It's my
God is truly doing some great things and were having tons of fun
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Up Next

One thing that stands out in the book of 1 Corinthians is the fact that "Pastor Paul" was taking the time to answer the many questions that were on the heart and mind of the Corinthian congregation. When we finish out the book of 1 Corinthians, we'll be following the steps of Paul, and doing the same thing with Kingsfield. Starting this Sunday we will begin to accumulate any and all questions that come our way through the various channels that we'll be providing both online and at the church. Then starting on the 16th of November we will launch into answering the top 4 questions over those 4 following weeks.

After QnA, Christmas will be upon us (believe it our not!), which will lead us into a time to reflect and remember the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Then we'll be launching into another book of the Bible to start out 2009.
Thank you Lord for all that you have done. Bless this next series. May many come to know you as their Lord and Savior. Amen.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Fresh LIfe Church

Life was born and started serving up exactly that, "fresh life". The Church recently went to two services at 9 and 11 and it looks like it's time for a 3rd. The place was literally packed out at both services. Just before 2nd service I was hanging out up front and overheard a college student on the phone with her friend say "hurry up!!! I'm trying to save you a seat but I don't know if I can." The energy before service was electric, and from beginning to end these amazing people were absorbing every minute of it. Through worship, announcements, and the message the gang was tuned in and couldn't seem to get enough.

Fresh Life Church is surrounded by a great staff who are super talented, love the Lord and His people in a big way. They are all working very hard and it's exciting to see all that the Lord is doing through their efforts. It was an honor to be with them on Sunday.
After services at Fresh Life I called the Kingsfield staff and received a great report. Pastor Armondo Garcia brought the Word and encouraged the church in a huge way.
Can't wait to be back with everyone....
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Saturday in Seattle..
After visiting Mars Hills Church we headed down the road to meet up with two students from Kingsfield. The girls are now going to school at a Calvary Chapel Bible College extension in Seattle. Maritza and Bethany are two girls that have been in Tatum and I's life for years. Both of them were in High School ministry with us, and Bethany was actually with us when we were overseeing the Junior High ministry. It was so encour
We dropped the girls off at their place and then headed down to Queen Ann to hang out in a Peet's so I could spend some time absorbing the message for Fresh Life. Tatum when on a walk and after about 2 hours we headed for the airport, had dinner and jumped on a prop plane headed for Kalispell.
Tate and I really enjoyed Seattle. It has tons of personality, with great people, love the downtown vibe, and are excited to see that there are several really healthy churches preaching the word of God and reaching one of the least churched cities in the nation.
Fwd: The Well
Just got done teaching at The Well and had a great time!!! I love watching what God is doing with this group. They have huge vision and a huge God who's given it to them. guess what, He's not only big enough to give it He's big enough to make it happen..
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Weeks End
As we covered Tongues and Prophecy today the body seamed to be a little more in tune than usual, I noticed more people then usual writing references down and taking notes. After service many told me that this morning was the first time that they had heard these gifts addressed in depth from a pulpit. I realize that it's probably not what you typically focus on when your trying to evangelize the world and grow your church, but even despite that we had many come to the Lord. God is good, He is so faithful.
On a final note, prayer tonight was great. I love the fact that so many at Kingsfield realize the importance of prayer.. Not only is there the Sunday night group but also the Saturday morning men's and Wednesday Woman's. Tonight some of the prayer cards were actually praise reports for things that we had been praying on already.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Kingsfield men
Hats off to Frank Sancheez for a great weekend under his mastermind leadership. Great work man!
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Home Alone

After a big kiss good buy I was left to face a few days of daddy time. but thankful she left me with a little guidance. As Tatum was saying good buy to the kids for the retreat Ryah was a little nervous and told Tatum that when shes gone dad "sometimes forgets what he's supposed to do". Amen sister, no kidding. With that in mind Tatum wrote out an extensive schedule givign me the play by play form morning to night for each day that she was gone. Talk about a crazy schedule!!! I literally had every 20 minute slot spoken for in

She came back to us Wednesday all refreshed and boy was I glad to see her. I really lucked out because the kids helped me clean up before she got there and then the by-monthly cleaners showed up and took care of the rest.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sudnay thoughts.
Were were blessed to have Jimmy Robeson out to lead us in worship. Jimmy has been a great friend of Tatum and I's for almost 5 years now. He is a great example of a man who loves the Lord and seeks to point others to Him.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Daddy Date Night
is so good and I love digging into the word. Were still in Corinthians
and focused on the gifts of the spirit. This weekend we'll hit the
gifts that we skipped over last week and then leave Corinthians to
pick up list in Romans 12. Then the following week well wade deep
into the gifts of speaking in tongs and prophecy. Stuff we all need
to understand, new believer or mature believer... Paul said "I do not
want you to be ignorant concerning spirituals." it's important to
Paul because it's important to God, if it's important to God then it's
important to us... I also think there's some great stuff in here for
the unbeliever...
At dinner tonight Ryah asked me for a date night out of the blue. How
can a dad resist... So we finished up dinner and off we went... She
set the schedule if events for the evening and all I had to so was
follow along. First we hit Cold Stone for some ice cream. Ryah
wanted Cold Stone of my choice of Yogurtland because she said that
Cold Stone "has less sugar". I don't know if I buy that but hey, daddy
date, she's the boss. As we were eating our ice cream I began into
what I thought was some very stimulating conversation. I asked about
her friend and all that is happening at school. She told me of recess
and the other girls that she is training to catch lizards. Ryah is
always trying to catch some kind of creature... Rollie pollies,
flies, bees, spiders, lizards, you name it. As it turns out she
caught a baby lizard at recess earlier this week and it has now
become quite the craze during recess. Ryah is heading up the team and training as necessary, which seams to be a major need because as she said "none of the others guys have done it right yet".
I thought we were engaged in some good convo as I keep pitching
questions and listening to her answers until in the middle of one of
her sentences she look at me and said "Dad, can we go now? Cuz were
wasting my date time". I feel sorry for the next guy who tries to
date this girl. Shes not your typical "let's sit and chat" kind. No,
not my Ryah, she wanted go shopping... With my money!!! She grabbed my
hand and took me over to Borders and preceded to drag me around the
kids area as she carefully placed each item into some kind of wish
list hierarchy. She would say something like "dad, this is sooo cute
and did you know it's soft, I don't have one of these yet..." and then
the closer "Do you have enough money for it?" if I said sure she would
put it back and say "well let's walk around a little more and If I
don't find something better we can come back to it. That's if somebody
else doesn't take it." and off we went.. We narrowed it down to a
paint you own piggy bank, piggy bank and after she read a few books to
me we headed off to the register and on our way home... Remember
she's only in kindergarten and can't completely read yet... But let me tell ya, she can make those pictures tell stories.
Ryah is such a great kid, I love spending time with her. She loves
life and people. when we got home she told Cade that after she
decorates the pig she's giving it to her to keep her pennies in.
That's my girl, just in case Dad runs out of money to love on her,
she's got a back up plan. Always thinking, always planing....
Sent from my iPhone
Friday, September 26, 2008

With October quickly approaching, BLAST became the topic of conversation during the staff meeting this last Tuesday. BLAST is our version of a harvest festival that we use to each out to our local neighborhoods. I look forward to it every year as we see hundreds and hundreds of families gather together for some good ol' fashion fun. We turn the back lot of the church into a county fair and load it up
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Day 4 and 5
the village that we visited was the most "out back" of all the others... the people in the village had l

After sleeping in a little bit on day 5 we were up and off to the airport to head home. I can't wait to share with the body all the opportunities that await us in Honduras and we move into 2009.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Day 3 in Honduras
After Church we headed off to another farming village. The drive is always so
Till tomorrow...
Tatum Norman
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Day Dos (thats two for those of you who don't speak espanol)

Our translator on the plant tour was an amazing man by the name of Everett. Ev

Another great man that we had the opportunity to meet was a local farmer named Suri. Suri is a beliver who makes an hour and a half trek to get to church on Sunday

Suri took us to his village and introduced us to his friends and family. He seams to be somewhat of a community figure of leadership. on the

Cant wait to see what the Lord has in store for tomorrow.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Day One.
After landing in El Salvador we had another flight into Honduras and then loaded up the vehicles to head south to "base camp"... about a 2hr drive with a stop along the way for lunch... once we got to the hotel (which is actually nice considering the surrounding location) we r
The people here are very warm and friendly. Makes me wish I would have paid attention in Spanish 101 during High School.
In the morning we have breakfast at 7:30 and then head out to one of the farms that Growers First has been investing in over the past 3 years. after 2 years of working with this farm they received their "organic certification" which allows them to generate a greater revenue stream..
More tomorrow..
Insect Repellant… $24

Cant wait to see what the Lord has is Store!!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Thoughts of the day...

He gave us the gifts of the Holy Spirit for the specific purpose of health and strength in the church. So as we function in those gifts we can expect that outcome... While were asking God to work, we need to realize that He is working and then simply yield the gifts He's gives us to the work He's doing around us.
People were given a chance to receive the greatest Gift, Jesus Christ, and we saw many lives added to the family today...
Sometimes I fell like I'm preaching to the choir when it come to making the call for everyone to do their part... I think our body really gets it. It seams like so many are involved in so much. Our Church seams to get so much done... I love it!!!
Church picnic #2 was great... fellowship, food, met a lot of new people, and was blown away by the participation... everything from the games to bake off... tons of fun, I love this church.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Spiritual Gifts
Monday, August 18, 2008
I'm back...
Vacation > was great... Mammoth, San Diego and Lake Arrowhead.. Could write a book but won't. Super relaxing. (I broke two of my toes.)
VBS > amazing this year. Kingsfields very own Brenda P. Pulled together some 70 volunteers And put together a VBS to rule them all. Our creative teams under the direction of brenda developed the curriculum, dramas, games, worship, snacks, and everyhing else you can think of in reguard to a week of teaching a buch of kids the bible in an interactive way for a whole week... Simply amazing.
Family camp > Big Bear lake, serano campground and some 26+ familes from Kingsfield... Hikes and swiming during the day with an all camper fireside in the evening... Nothings really better for knitting people together. We all had a great time, even the first time campers who braved the weekend with us.
Harvest Crusades > we were so blessed this year to watch the Lord use the crusades in a mighty way. Everyone did a great and pastor Greg presented the gospel so clearly and compelling each night. In light of the loss of his son Christopher, Greg spoke very openly and
compassionatly about the hope we have in Christ. There were over 11,000 decisions made throughout the weekend... Wow. So good.
Levi Lusko, (pronounced with an "uhhh" not an "ewww" in the Lusko) took part in hosting the crusades, did an outstanding job, and then tore it up at Kingsfield Church that Sunday Morning...
good to be back on board..
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Hitting the streets...
Have a good 4th. See ya Sunday.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Summer Time
Here are a couple of things I wanted to highlight:
- First of all, home fellowships are on break for the summer, and Wednesday nights will be starting this next week, July 2nd, at the church. Things kick off at 5:30 with a BBQ, and we’ll be serving food right up till 6:45, getting the study started at 7pm. The study this summer is entitled “Learning To Breath”. Just as Breathing is vital to our physical life, it is also vital to our spiritual life… come and learn the disciplines of spiritual “breathing” as found in Gods word.
- Second… Tatum and I often walk around the Irvine Spectrum and are heart-broken to see so many lives, which are lost, without the Gospel. Our hearts have constantly been challenged to reach into what has become somewhat of the “community hub” at the spectrum. This summer, we’re going to do something about it, and would love to challenge the body to join us. On Thursday nights (starting July 3rd) we’ll be meeting together in attempt to reach out. Some of the group will gather together to pray (like we always have on Sunday nights), while the other part of the group will head out into the Spectrum to strike up conversation, share the gospel, and invite people out to Church. We would love to have as many as possible join us; the more we have, the more we can get done. We’ll be meeting behind the Irvine Spectrum Ferris Wheel at 6:30. Childcare will be provided at the church. There’s a couple of Thursdays where other stuff is going on so make sure to check the calendar.
- Thirdly...On one of those Thursdays is the Harvest Crusade Impact Class. The Harvest Crusades are right around the corner, and so is our opportunity to get involved. In the past we’ve been involved in the Crusade’s in many different ways, and are really looking forward to stepping it up this year. Kingsfield will be hosting an Impact Class here at the church on July 24th to train follow-up volunteers in the Orange County region. This class will provide the perfect opportunity for our church to get trained to help those who will dedicate their lives to the Lord during the crusade. This class will certify you to do “on the field” counseling for new believers after Pastor Greg gives the invitation. Make sure to put the dates on your calendar - July 24th is the training and August 15th-17th is the crusade. After the training you can serve at one, or all of the nights… for more info visit
- Last but not least, Vacation Bible School will be July 28th – August 1st. I personally look forward to this outreach every year as we always see many kids encouraged in their faith, and many others commit their lives to the Lord for the first time. Brenda has an amazing week planned for the kids, so lets do our part and get the kids there. Sign up your own kids and/or drag some out from your neighborhood. Tatum and I have offered to buss some kids down from our neighborhood in RSM, and have had some great response from the parents. Also, make sure to keep that week in prayer.
God is so good to us, and I love what He’s doing in our midst. Keep your eyes on Him…
Serving Him Together,
Chris Norman
Saturday, June 14, 2008
A Redlands Night
We had a great time walking and talking. We talked kids, we talked church, we talked life.. over and over again we can't help but to recognize how blessed we are as we think about all that God has done in our lives after only 10 years of marriage. When we married we committed our lives to each other and to all the Lord would have for us. We believed that God was calling into a great adventure and set sail to discover what that would be. Since then it has been nothing but the testimony of a good and gracious God working in and through imperfect vessels.
We love what God has done, and we love what God is doing. By the grace of God our kids are incredible and we're surrounded by the coolest people in the world at one of the greatest churches ever. As we talked we became more and more humbled by what God is doing in our lives and at Kingsfield... He truly is so good.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Breakfast with a special kid.
I'm looking forward to the weekend. Fathers day, Special music with Danny Larsh and 1 Corinthians 6:11-20. Were moving into a short series on sex and sexuality. The Corinthians were caught up in so much confusion concerning their sexuality and began to ask Paul for a little clarification. This is one of the ways that we know it was a new church with new believers, they had yet to learn that we don't talk about sex in church. I'm kidding of course.
Sadly though the church is often silent on this very important issue. Let me assure you however, that it is not because the bible is silent. Gods word has much to say about our sexuality and although this study in Corinthians is not meant to give us an all encompassing understanding of all that Gods word has to say. It will give us a great foundation to deal with the ever so important issue how Christianity and sexuality fit together.
Serving Him Together,
Thursday, June 12, 2008
The New B

There is nothing greater than watching people fall in love with the Lord and open up their lives to see what it is He wants to do..
Honestly though... all our staff is amazing. I love working alongside such an amazing godly group...
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
coming up... Fathers Day.
With Father's Day approaching I'm remembering that for many, this day can bring about painful memories. Maybe Father's Day does nothing but remind you of a painful childhood filled with abuse, the loss of a loved one or even an estranged relationship. No matter what our childhood was like, or the status of our family relationships today, we can always rejoice in the love of our heavenly Father. A love so great that it moved our heavenly Father to send Jesus with the task of bringing us into fellowship with Him, that we have been created to have. Jesus took upon himself the penalty of everything that separates us from our heavenly father's love, so that we could be set free to dwell in the ultimate of a Father's love. On Father's Day may we be awakened to the Love of God for each of us and respond to that love with a life of repentance and surrender...
This Sunday for Father's Day we're looking forward to our special guest musician Danny Larsh.
Monday, June 9, 2008
A Sunday with some toppings
Service was great... We've been switching things up a little in our format on Sundays and I love how receptive our body has been. There are those things that we can always look forward to and rely on in service... Jesus will be center, God's Word will be opened and preached, our lives will be challenged and transformed and the fellowship will be sweet. So no matter what the order, the intention is that the essentials will be hit and hit hard...
This last Sunday we were in 1 Cor. 6:1-11 and left with the challenge to forgive those that we've been holding grudges against. To free ourselves from the bitterness that takes root in our hearts. I have already begun to hear stories of reconciliation and freedom. Way to go guys!!! Take those steps of faith and watch what the Lord will do.
I personally had a great time getting to talk with people I don't normally have a chance to spend time with. In just the duration of our picnic I met many people for the first time, including two different couples who are new to Kingsfield in the past several weeks. Good stuff.
Another thing I could not help to notice in the midst of the great fellowship was the number of newborns and expecting mommies... putting a little added pressure to our already packed out kids classrooms. Seriously though, we're looking for a way to accommodate more moms in the mother's room and solutions are coming soon.
Oh, and yes, the lemonade was pink. Pastor Frank was really worried about it being pink for some reason. I don't think there's ever been many people offended by pink lemonade, but I guess there's always a first. Looks like we made it through O.K. :)
until next time...
Friday, June 6, 2008
Study Day
I often look forward to Friday's. Tatum takes the kids out for the day and I'm able to study from the house. It's really quiet, I open the windows to let some air flow, brew some coffee, and then finish up on what I've been chewing on most of the week (message wise). This weekend were in 1st Corinthians 6 where Paul is teaching us biblical principals for "conflict resolution". As if conflict is something that we struggle with right. God knows us all to well and His word speaks so clearly to our issues... looking forward to service this weekend.
I also had some time today to look at my outlines for the next couple of studies. We're moving into a great series on marriage. Answering questions like.. Why get married, why not get married, how to be happily married and also discover together where the "bachelor to the rapture" group originated.
I had the chance to take a break at lunch and go see my son in his school play... He was a "cool cat" and trust me the kid is cool...
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
OK... so.. I'm blogging!
This past couple of weeks have been absolutely amazing. Starting out with a Sunday service where we say many new commitments to the Lord... I don't think anything is more exciting then to see lives transformed by the Lord. The truth of the Gospel setting people free to live the life that they have been created to live in fellowship with Jesus Christ. Love it!!
Then it was off to the staff retreat to spend some time with some of the most amazing people on the planet. We try to get away at least once a year (sometimes twice) to seek the Lord's face together and encourage one another in all the Lord is doing in our lives and various ministries of the church. We truly do have an amazing staff of people who are devoted to the Lord and His work. I thank God for every single one of them. There was, however, one part of the staff retreat that hurts just a bit when I bring it to mind. Picture... guys team, girls team, lots of talk, and tones of competitive spirit (Tatum, my wife, has enough for all of us) and then Guesstures... yep, something like a glorified charades... tensions building as the girls had won the first game and the guys (who up to this point in all past retreats had been undefeated) were almost unstoppable in the second game... almost that is, until a tragic turn of events left me standing in front of the staff, with the weight of the world on my shoulders, as somehow the girls were now 8 points in front of us and it was up to me to pull it off... well lets just say, I gave it my best shot, but somehow couldn't communicate the word "expand" no matter how widely I stretched out my hands, and blew up invisible balloons. The timer went off and then so did the girls... I'm still trying to recover. Between that and the Kingsfield softball game, I may have to undergo some time of healing. (for more on the softball game fiasco, you can catch Frank gloating somewhere on his blog...)
After the staff retreat, we had another amazing weekend service with many people committing themselves to a life of holiness. Giving life dominating sin to the life changing God. Our pray team leader, Lori, sent me an email today to tell me that she and the others on the prayer team have been praying with more and more people on Sunday's. This past Sunday was the best response since we've started the prayer ministry... very cool.
Currently, I'm in Murrieta at the Calvary Pastors conference spending some time with good friends who love the Lord and are committed to His work. It's so encouraging to hear of all that God is doing in so many places. We truly serve a mighty and powerful God who's busy doing mighty and powerful works through weak and puny people... go figure.
As great as it is out here, I can't wait to get home to see my wife and kiddos. God has blessed me with the coolest kids around, and not to mention a wife beyond compare.
until next time