Monday, November 17, 2008

Baby Steven...

This past Sunday Morning I had the privilege of doing a very special baby dedication. Baby Steven is a 9 month old boy from from Haiti and has been staying with a very loving family in our church for the past 5 months. Steven had spinabfida and the Worrells took him in through mending kids. The sacrifice that the Worrells made gave Steven allowed for Steven to be operated on in the states.

On Sunday Kingsfield prayed for him as he will be going back to Hattie this week. The prayer is that Steven will be able to be brought back to the U.S. through an adoption agency early this next year.

I really respect the Worrells for opening up their lives to this child. Their selfless investment has radically impacted not only Steven life but their own as well.

I love watching what how God works when were willing to step outside our comfort zone.

I've got a short video that J&S Productions (Jono and Simono) put toether... so check back later and I'll get it uploaded for you.

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