Service was great... We've been switching things up a little in our format on Sundays and I love how receptive our body has been. There are those things that we can always look forward to and rely on in service... Jesus will be center, God's Word will be opened and preached, our lives will be challenged and transformed and the fellowship will be sweet. So no matter what the order, the intention is that the essentials will be hit and hit hard...
This last Sunday we were in 1 Cor. 6:1-11 and left with the challenge to forgive those that we've been holding grudges against. To free ourselves from the bitterness that takes root in our hearts. I have already begun to hear stories of reconciliation and freedom. Way to go guys!!! Take those steps of faith and watch what the Lord will do.
Church picnic? can we just say... huge success. After setting up, people started showing up and we had ourselves a picnic. Complete with BBQ, potluck (WOW!!!), fellowship, volleyball, ultimate Frisbee, water balloon toss, and all sorts of other games for the kids. Including one where the dads got to participate. Elias ran up to me and told me he needed me for a game and I thought it might be fun to go and show off my athletic skills. Only to realize that he just wanted to dump water on my head.
I personally had a great time getting to talk with people I don't normally have a chance to spend time with. In just the duration of our picnic I met many people for the first time, including two different couples who are new to Kingsfield in the past several weeks. Good stuff.
Another thing I could not help to notice in the midst of the great fellowship was the number of newborns and expecting mommies... putting a little added pressure to our already packed out kids classrooms. Seriously though, we're looking for a way to accommodate more moms in the mother's room and solutions are coming soon.
With Robert Custer closely supervising, pastor Frank was allowed to try his hand at a little BBQ action. Rumor has it that Robert was trying him out for the next Steak and Study on June 19th. The verdict isn't out yet as to whether or not he made the cut. I guess we'll soon find out.
Oh, and yes, the lemonade was pink. Pastor Frank was really worried about it being pink for some reason. I don't think there's ever been many people offended by pink lemonade, but I guess there's always a first. Looks like we made it through O.K. :)
until next time...
Ohh yeah, loving the blogging skills!
Seriously I'm impressed! This is a pretty legit post for a first time blogger.
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