Saturday, October 25, 2008

Up Next

Our study in the book of 1 Corinthians has been amazing. As we took the time to study 1 Corinthians, Kingsfield has grown in so many ways. Paul wrote the letter of 1 Corinthians to set things straight in the chaotic church in Corinth. By studying Paul's letter, we gained the much needed insight to address many areas of our lives, and also, theology that often times is ignored, including - sexual intimacy in our marriages, views on being single, the ways we worship, how we handle the "gray area's" of the bible, and so many other issues. If you missed any of it, you can catch it online. All the messages can be viewed on the media page of our website or by subscribing to either our vodcast or podcast.

One thing that stands out in the book of 1 Corinthians is the fact that "Pastor Paul" was taking the time to answer the many questions that were on the heart and mind of the Corinthian congregation. When we finish out the book of 1 Corinthians, we'll be following the steps of Paul, and doing the same thing with Kingsfield. Starting this Sunday we will begin to accumulate any and all questions that come our way through the various channels that we'll be providing both online and at the church. Then starting on the 16th of November we will launch into answering the top 4 questions over those 4 following weeks.
The goal is to keep us from wandering, by taking what we are wondering, straight from the Word of God!

After QnA, Christmas will be upon us (believe it our not!), which will lead us into a time to reflect and remember the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Then we'll be launching into another book of the Bible to start out 2009. 

Wow this year has gone fast!

Thank you Lord for all that you have done. Bless this next series. May many come to know you as their Lord and Savior. Amen.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fresh LIfe Church

This Sunday I had the privilege of preaching at Fresh Life Church in Montana. Fresh Life is pastored by my good friend Levi Lusko (pronounced with an uhhhh and not an ewwww) and is being used by God in a mighty way to change lives not only in Montana but around the world with it's internet presence. (you can check out their webisite here) About 2 years ago Levi and his wife stepped out in faith and moved to Montana. Fresh
Life was born and started serving up exactly that, "fresh life". The Church recently went to two services at 9 and 11 and it looks like it's time for a 3rd. The place was literally packed out at both services. Just before 2nd service I was hanging out up front and overheard a college student on the phone with her friend say "hurry up!!! I'm trying to save you a seat but I don't know if I can." The energy before service was electric, and from beginning to end these amazing people were absorbing every minute of it. Through worship, announcements, and the message the gang was tuned in and couldn't seem to get enough.

Fresh Life Church is surrounded by a great staff who are super talented, love the Lord and His people in a big way. They are all working very hard and it's exciting to see all that the Lord is doing through their efforts. It was an honor to be with them on Sunday.

After services at Fresh Life I called the Kingsfield staff and received a great report. Pastor Armondo Garcia brought the Word and encouraged the church in a huge way.

Can't wait to be back with everyone....


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Saturday in Seattle..

So Tatum and I were on our way to Kalispell Montana and had a layover in Seattle. It was supposed to be only an hour but when we found out that there was another flight at 9pm. We quickly checked to see if there was any room on it. Sure enough there were over 40 spots left and on a whim we decided to check out the infamous Seattle. The car rental was cheap and we were on our way.

First stop was downtown Pikes Place, as we were on the hunt for the original Starbucks... as a disclaimer I do have to say that I've become a huge fan of Peet's lately, but could not pass up the opportunity. It was defiantly easy to spot with the line running out the door. So in we go, order the usual manly drink ("grande hazelnut latte", with the manly part being "extra hot"), and then on with the rest of the day.

After visiting Mars Hills Church we headed down the road to meet up with two students from Kingsfield. The girls are now going to school at a Calvary Chapel Bible College extension in Seattle. Maritza and Bethany are two girls that have been in Tatum and I's life for years. Both of them were in High School ministry with us, and Bethany was actually with us when we were overseeing the Junior High ministry. It was so encouraging to hear of all that God is doing in their lives. They each a have a fire in their life for the Lord that just keeps growing and growing. I really hope that they enjoy the rest of their time in Seattle, but cant wait for them to get back home to Kingsfield and bring their fire into the work that's taking place in the OC.

We dropped the girls off at their place and then headed down to Queen Ann to hang out in a Peet's so I could spend some time absorbing the message for Fresh Life. Tatum when on a walk and after about 2 hours we headed for the airport, had dinner and jumped on a prop plane headed for Kalispell.

Tate and I really enjoyed Seattle. It has tons of personality, with great people, love the downtown vibe, and are excited to see that there are several really healthy churches preaching the word of God and reaching one of the least churched cities in the nation.

Fwd: The Well

Just got done teaching at The Well and had a great time!!! I love watching what God is doing with this group. They have huge vision and a huge God who's given it to them. guess what, He's not only big enough to give it He's big enough to make it happen..


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Weeks End

Today we hit the final two Spiritual Gifts that we will be looking at in our series, Prophecy and Tongues. both have become very controversial as there is much confusion attached to each of them. For some reason I like tackling the issue that have brought confusion and controversy to the church at large. Addressing the issues that typically get ignored in scripture. I enjoy watching God move in such a way that people leave at the very least with something to chew on.

As we covered Tongues and Prophecy today the body seamed to be a little more in tune than usual, I noticed more people then usual writing references down and taking notes. After service many told me that this morning was the first time that they had heard these gifts addressed in depth from a pulpit. I realize that it's probably not what you typically focus on when your trying to evangelize the world and grow your church, but even despite that we had many come to the Lord. God is good, He is so faithful.

On a final note, prayer tonight was great. I love the fact that so many at Kingsfield realize the importance of prayer.. Not only is there the Sunday night group but also the Saturday morning men's and Wednesday Woman's. Tonight some of the prayer cards were actually praise reports for things that we had been praying on already.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kingsfield men

Kingsfield has some of the greatest men. On Friday and Saturday this week we got away for some time together at Aliso Creek Golf Course in Laguna Beach (great place by the way). As I was there I found myself in awe of the Lord and how He has raised up some amazing men around this place. I was looking over the room and just thanking the Lord for what He has begun.

Hats off to Frank Sancheez for a great weekend under his mastermind leadership. Great work man!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Home Alone

This week Tatum had the wonderful opportunity to go with the other pastor wives from Kingsfield to the Calvary Chapel Pastors wives retreat in murietta. I love when Tatum gets the opportunity to get away and be refreshed. If anyone deserves it, it her. She works very hard and put a ton of energy into every aspect of life. She's the mom of three and the wife of me... which alone is enough to make you dizzy. Not to mention everything else she does with the church, and ministry. She absolutely rocks.

After a big kiss good buy I was left to face a few days of daddy time. but thankful she left me with a little guidance. As Tatum was saying good buy to the kids for the retreat Ryah was a little nervous and told Tatum that when shes gone dad "sometimes forgets what he's supposed to do". Amen sister, no kidding. With that in mind Tatum wrote out an extensive schedule givign me the play by play form morning to night for each day that she was gone. Talk about a crazy schedule!!! I literally had every 20 minute slot spoken for in my 14 hour day... kids up, kids dressed, flowers in hair, kids feed, lunches made, Elias to school, Ryah to school (two different times), drop off cadence, pick up Reinhardt, do a wedding, drop off Reinhardt, pick up cadence, pick up Elias, pick up Ryah, Ryah to gymnastics, Elias to piano, home to clean, home work to get done, feed kids dinner... sorry I went off on a tangent, but you get the idea. I don't kown how Tatum does it with out dropping any balls.

She came back to us Wednesday all refreshed and boy was I glad to see her. I really lucked out because the kids helped me clean up before she got there and then the by-monthly cleaners showed up and took care of the rest.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sudnay thoughts.

I'm so proud of Kingsfield Church!!! In the midst of a "church at large" culture that has for the most part chosen to partake of "bible lite", the crowd at KC just digs right in and hangs right in. On Sunday we continued in our study through the book of 1 Corinthians and cover many of the enablements that God through His Spirit gives to the church. Our goal was identify the ones that resonated with each of us and then to go home and start digging through the word to find out more on that particular gift. I wrote a small booklet that would serve as a good place to start with a more in-depth study on each of the gifts and challenged the body to use it for a little home work. The folks at Kingsfield were so eager to dig in that many of them wanted to dragg their friends into the process and asked for extra booklets to take home... way to go guys! Gods word is so good and nothings better that diggin in! keep it up!

Were were blessed to have Jimmy Robeson out to lead us in worship. Jimmy has been a great friend of Tatum and I's for almost 5 years now. He is a great example of a man who loves the Lord and seeks to point others to Him. 


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Daddy Date Night

Today was a great day of study and I can't wait for Sunday. The Lord
is so good and I love digging into the word. Were still in Corinthians
and focused on the gifts of the spirit. This weekend we'll hit the
gifts that we skipped over last week and then leave Corinthians to
pick up list in Romans 12. Then the following week well wade deep
into the gifts of speaking in tongs and prophecy. Stuff we all need
to understand, new believer or mature believer... Paul said "I do not
want you to be ignorant concerning spirituals." it's important to
Paul because it's important to God, if it's important to God then it's
important to us... I also think there's some great stuff in here for
the unbeliever...

At dinner tonight Ryah asked me for a date night out of the blue. How
can a dad resist... So we finished up dinner and off we went... She
set the schedule if events for the evening and all I had to so was
follow along. First we hit Cold Stone for some ice cream. Ryah
wanted Cold Stone of my choice of Yogurtland because she said that
Cold Stone "has less sugar". I don't know if I buy that but hey, daddy
date, she's the boss. As we were eating our ice cream I began into
what I thought was some very stimulating conversation. I asked about
her friend and all that is happening at school. She told me of recess
and the other girls that she is training to catch lizards. Ryah is
always trying to catch some kind of creature... Rollie pollies,
flies, bees, spiders, lizards, you name it. As it turns out she
caught a baby lizard at recess earlier this week and it has now
become quite the craze during recess. Ryah is heading up the team and training as necessary, which seams to be a major need because as she said "none of the others guys have done it right yet".

I thought we were engaged in some good convo as I keep pitching
questions and listening to her answers until in the middle of one of
her sentences she look at me and said "Dad, can we go now? Cuz were
wasting my date time". I feel sorry for the next guy who tries to
date this girl. Shes not your typical "let's sit and chat" kind. No,
not my Ryah, she wanted go shopping... With my money!!! She grabbed my
hand and took me over to Borders and preceded to drag me around the
kids area as she carefully placed each item into some kind of wish
list hierarchy. She would say something like "dad, this is sooo cute
and did you know it's soft, I don't have one of these yet..." and then
the closer "Do you have enough money for it?" if I said sure she would
put it back and say "well let's walk around a little more and If I
don't find something better we can come back to it. That's if somebody
else doesn't take it." and off we went.. We narrowed it down to a
paint you own piggy bank, piggy bank and after she read a few books to
me we headed off to the register and on our way home... Remember
she's only in kindergarten and can't completely read yet... But let me tell ya, she can make those pictures tell stories.

Ryah is such a great kid, I love spending time with her. She loves
life and people. when we got home she told Cade that after she
decorates the pig she's giving it to her to keep her pennies in.
That's my girl, just in case Dad runs out of money to love on her,
she's got a back up plan. Always thinking, always planing....


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