Sunday, January 11, 2009

Faith Works

At Kingsfield this last week we started a new series that I'm very excited about. Were doing a study through the book of James that were calling Faith Works. Life can bring about any number of circumstances. Each one giving us opportunity to see how big God is as we trust in Him. No matter what life may bring our way when were willing to trust in Jesus, He will always bring us through. James shows us what Faith looks like in the life of a believer under the everyday moments... The series will be online and can be downloaded off of our podcast.

I'm really excited about 2009 and all that God has in store... both for the Normans and Kingsfield Church. He is so good to us.


1 comment:

Eli's Lids said...

We have really enjoyed the Faith Works series! My hubby and I just had to look up your blog after you mentioned it last week.