Saturday, May 16, 2009

Walk by Faith

Often when God desires to stretch us and teach us more about who He is He'll call us to take steps of Faith in our walk of Faith.  Those steps take on different forms in our life at different seasons of our life, but they always require one key ingredient...  FAITH.

In other words we should not expect the things God calls us to do to be easy.  Often we think that if it's God it's easy.  Ahhh, Not True.  Because of the very nature of Faith, we can expect those calls of God to move us past our own understanding and resource and put us in a place where we must rely on Him.   So often we take steps of faith because we believe that God is calling us to, but then in the middle of it start to doubt and get worried because things get a little tough.  What we need to realize is that when we made the decision to take that step of faith we also made the decision to put our life in a place that might be a little uncomfortable for a season, a little stretching.. 

Think about Peter walking on the water...  Nothing of his own strength enabled him to do so.  It was only possible as he keep his eyes on Jesus and trusted Him. 

What steps of Faith has God called you to take lately? How are you holding up?

Keep your eyes on Jesus 


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